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Novo Coaching

Based in Sheffield, UK, Novo Coaching is here to identify, understand and meet your coaching and mentoring needs. We specialise in bespoke coaching and mentoring approaches and solutions for individuals, teams and organisations.

Mark Scott founded Novo Coaching in 2014 to offer his clients the benefit of over twenty years of coaching experience, and over twenty-five years of management experience in the private and public sector – managing and leading change and transforming people and organisations. Mark is proficient in executive coaching, individual coaching, team coaching and the design of internal coaching and mentoring schemes.

Mark and his associates are highly trained and accredited coaches, firmly grounded with practical, common-sense experience in large multi-national companies, the NHS, local authority and the voluntary sector. In addition to our grounded, common-sense approach, our coaching and mentoring practice is backed up by academic learning and research.

We work with a variety of clients, providing individual coaching, executive and leadership coaching, team coaching and facilitation, internal coaching and mentoring, and scheme design and implementation.

Mark Scott

Our Philosophy

The ethos of Novo Coaching is to place the client at the centre of all we do, seeking to inspire and enthuse each individual, team or organisation. By calling upon our own training and experience, we aim to utilise the appropriate coaching or learning and development intervention to enable the client to discover their unique abilities and maximise potential.

Above all we want to support people to achieve things they never thought possible.

Our Values

We are here primarily to listen and probe, to uncover opportunities and potential, and to enable the coachee or organisation to change and grow. These are powerful interventions in an often hectic and confusing modern world, where change is central to almost everything we do – be it work, family and life in general – and where reflective time is a scarce and valuable resource.

At Novo Coaching we want to help individuals and organisations realise potential by enabling them to explore and experiment in a safe, trusting environment.


Novo Coaching is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and abides by their codes of ethics and code of conduct. We are committed to bringing our experience and coaching skills together in the service of clients, and are dedicated to enhancing our coaching practice by expanding our knowledge through academic study and continuous professional development.

Novo Coaching are accredited practitioners of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) psychometric tool and the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI). These tools can only be applied by trained and accredited practitioners.